Worst day?

Hari ni Jumaat, actually UKM akan adakan kursus pemantapan persatuan perwakilan mahasiswa UKM. Di jadual kan bertolak dari bangi pukul 3 ptg. Tapi skang da pukul 6 ptg, ape aku buat kat kolej lagi ni??

Sedih lah arini.. aku da tak tau cmane nak buat, ape nak buat, sampaikan tahap ak hanya mampu memerhati,menanti dan biarkan segalanya ditentukan oleh Nya.

Cherita hari ini..

Pagi tadi ak dari shah alam, bermalam di rumah ben dan tambun. Ak plak ada PBL kol 8am.. gile awal.. so dengan terkejar2, ben anta ke stesen komuter padang jawa. jam da kol 7.30 da time tu.. mmg tak sempat lah camni. ak msg aifa yang ak mungkin lambat sikit.

sampai di sentral ak naik monorail dan terus ke chow kit, fakulti ak, tercungap-cungap ak dibuatnya. penat, peluh, plus tak mandi (haha jgn gtau org ye) tapi still wangi la kayyy.. hehe so terus ke bilik pbl.. elok2 ak bukak pintu, damn! org da habes bincang dowh... sedih gile.. so ak slumber masuk juga n terus jumpe ngan dr. salam. ak terangkan kat die cmana ak ley smpai ke shah alam tu n lambat pagi ni..bukan lambat da tak sempat langsung.. hehe

so petang nye plak ak balik ke kolej berjalan kaki.. dorang soh ak present CHC so cepat2 ak balik ke kolej tuka baju..(plus mandi) n setel.. tapikan...

cemane je lah ak ley smpai shah alam?? jauh tu.. tp ok laa.. smalam lepak kedai mamak kat umah sewa dorang, ramai budak2 kmpp ak jumpa n terharu sebb kenal ak lagi. ak ni plak jenis tak ramai kwn sgt.. sronok gak la.. tapi sedih sbb tak smpat pbl.. gile apee.. hehe

last night, i went to watch theater with one of my best friend from diff world of mine. Yeah puteri gunung ledang d musical.this is my 2nd time. as she didnt know how to get to istana budaya n i dint have any transportation to fetch her too, i went to subang and she took me at subang comuter station. that was about 4pm and road were geting congested during that evening.

actually i have many things to be settled out that night, a meeting with pengetua college, meeting with 4kl MT and a few other things. but i just dont want to attend any of them. ntah i dont feel my mood is there that night, and i am more concentrating on meeting with this best friend. hehe

she messaged me that afternoon saying that she has a bad news to tell me.. with my probs in coping with studies n organisation i think i shud just remain silent n listen to her. as i get into her car, as usual she will start blaming me fr being late n pot pet pot pet. haha n okay.. thats it, i just want to get rid of all my college things n wateve in my mind n just relax listening what she mumbling on.. hehe

suddenly she told me what bothers her much..here it goes.. last tuesday she went to SJMC and been diagnosed to have a growth in a cyst in her ovary..that was what the doctor told her lah.. i was like.. speechless.. ya Allah.. ya Allah.. kejap2.. let me hear it again pls?? n she replied 'a cyst in my ovary'.. i just kept silent for a while.. mcm mane start? sakit2? she replied 'aah sakit memule then i went to gyny n after having a scan she detectd a cyst'. i just kept my eyes away from her a while..

Innalillah.. ya Allah.. okay.. i was tryin to calm my self down.. frankly speakin i dont knw how to react. actually im not really ready for this. my friend?? best ?? haiyo.. sedih nyeeee...
so?? she replied 'so the doctor suggestd me to have an operation this monday and take the thing out and do some test n decide if the growth is malignant, they will remove both of my ovaries n uterus and ak da takley pregnant da lah nanti'.

ok nye tu.. takde papelah..kalau camtu tak cancerous punye lah.. (ak cube memujuk secara spontaneous)

muka ak sedikit berubah namun cube ak cover.. ' takpelah.. takde papenye tu..' n dia pulak dok gelak2.. n yes i just smiled back at her and changed our topic. i told her that i just want her to enjoy this theater n forget about anything else.

n yes we did have a beautifull theater last night.. n this is one thing i will never forget..

bro!! ko punye movie mmg sempoi ar.. ak tgk mcm menyusuk kalbu dowh.. haha sengal

mlm nye tu ak terpaksa teman dia balik ke subang, and she dropd me at her bf house in shah alam.. so ak pon lepak lah rumah dorang..

sambung plak cherita arini.. tadi ada CHC class tu.. n skali lagi sedih sbb kena hentam.. hehe padan muke sape suruh tak join buat keje ngan group kan da kene.. but i hope prof nabishah will understand me.. i just smiled bile sume mcm salahkan ak.. ak mengaku n ak minta maaf.. actually ada presentation tadi n da lah dorang soh ak presnt.. balik kolej pakai cantek2 n bila dtg dlm group, dorang tak jadi bg ak present.. n ak just present 2 slides jerk.. n tu pon tersalah ckp.. n dorang salahkan sebab tak join discussion.. so ak ok je lah.. hehe masih tersenyum tu kira ok lah..

aik tadi kate ada kursus kan?? yepss ak tingglkan bus sbb prof nabishah soh ak dtg gak presentation.. though ak hanya bercakap untuk 2 slides..so ak drive ke port dickson kot malam nih..

doa pejalanan selamat sampai n everything goes fine..

still worried on her.. doa kan lah

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Anonymous said...

rilekslah...kdg2 biasalah bnyak msalah...yng penting, kau boleh cope ckuplah

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